How to get rid of Itching Hives or Hives Itch?

If you suffering from itching hives then you must have wheals, unwanted swelling and many other symptoms, but undoubtedly the worst thing is the hives itch.

Itching hives can be a great nuisance for the patient, to cure it you first need to understand what it actually is and what the relation between hives and itching is!

Hives is a skin problem shown by the outbreak of welts on different areas of the skin. These welts are colorful, raised and itchy in nature. Itching is annoying because it makes you want to scratch certain areas of skin.

If you want to read more about itching hives or hives itch, read here.


Are you suffering from itching hives? You may have ugly-looking wheals, unwanted swelling, and many other problems, but undoubtedly, the worst thing is hives itch. The only thing a patient wants is to get rid of hives and its itchiness.

Hives and Itching

Itching hives can be a great nuisance for the patient; to cure it, you first need to understand what it is as well as the relationship between hives and itching. Hives is a skin problem evident by the outbreak of welts on different areas of the skin. These welts are colorful, raised, and itchy in nature. The itch will cause a patient to want to scratch the affected area; however, doing so can aggravate the condition. Therefore, it is best to treat the underlying cause.

Hives Itching Treatment

First, try to find out the trigger that caused the hives and avoid it. If there is an underlying disease, it should also be treated. For hives itching treatment, you can take certain antihistamines and loratadine. Home remedies for treating the itch involve applying aloe vera gel or calamine lotion on the affected area, or you may cool the area by applying cool compresses or an ice pack.

Treatment for Hives and Itching

Treatment for hives and itching should be a step-by-step procedure. You should first identify the triggers and causes. Most hives rashes vanish within a few hours after the outbreak without any treatment. However, if they persist and cause itchiness, you can opt for various remedies described in the previous section. If these remedies do not work, you need to see an urticaria doctor. If the itchiness is accompanied by other problems, i.e. difficulty in breathing, high blood pressure, etc. you need immediate medical treatment.

Relief from Hives Itching

If the itchiness persists or reappears after a time, you should seek relief from hives itching. It can be achieved by using various treatments that have been explained in detail in the last two sections.

How to Make Hives Stop Itching

You can make hives stop itching by taking certain drugs, avoiding the triggers, cooling down the affected area, or applying soothing agents, i.e. calamine lotion.