
This article discusses  the most common types, causes, signs, symptoms, prevention and the treatment methods of Angioedema.

Angioedema is a allergic reaction that causes swelling on the skin surface. They occurs mostly on the eyes and lips. The body produces something called histamine in result to this reaction and blood vessels begun to swell. It is a deeper swelling and more or less like hives, where you have more itchiness.

There are two types of Angioedema. They are:

Acquired angioedema (AAE)

Hereditary angioedema (HAE)

Causes of Angioedema

The causes are unknown sometimes. But with certain causes, we can suspect that it may be because of these causes:

  • Insect Stings or Pollen
  • Allergies of food like dairy, shellfish, nuts etc,
  • Allergies of  medications such as NSAIDS (non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), aspirin, blood pressure medicines, ibuprofen, and other antibiotics
  • Hair Dyes
  • Diseases like Hodgkins, leukemia, lupus, etc.


Angioedema Symptoms and Signs

  • Itchy, Burning, Swollen and Painful feelings
  • Appearance of red welts near lips and eyes and sometimes near throat
  • Rashes on the hands
  • Discolored patches    
  • Swollen throat
  • Hoarseness
  • Breathing trouble
  • Fever
  • Muscle pain
  • Decreased urine, etc.

Treatment Options for Angioedema

Have a allergy test with the professional if you found any of the causes mentioned above.  You should also have to have urine test and blood test in order to find, if you are infected with Angioedema.  If the results show that you have mild angioedema, then it can be cured with certain therapies or antihistamines. If it is major, then you have to make sure that, you can breathe easily. Sit in an open air and try to breathe properly. Have the medicines at the correct time that are prescribed by the professional s properly.  The most important thing is, you should not take any other drugs when you are infected with angioedema.