
Urticarial Rash – Causes and Treatments of Urticarial Rashes

The Urticarial rash is a kind of skin rash notable for pale red, raised, itchy bumps. It actually is an allergic reaction. In extreme cases, the allergy may cause an anaphylactic reaction, which may result in difficulty breathing and this can be fatal. If this rash appears, you should instantly opt for certain urticaria treatments.

Causes of Urticarial Rash

Common causes of the urticarial rashes are a sudden rise in body temperature; for example, during exercise and venomous insect bites, such as those sustained from hornets, wasps, and bees. A fatal reaction (anaphylactic shock) is possible within minutes of the bite and it occurs on the face or neck, in a blood vessel, or when the stings are numerous.

Some drugs can also cause this skin problem. These drugs include penicillin, aspirin, quinine, and ipecac, etc. Digestive disorders and toxemia can also cause urticaria rashes; however, this happens only in rare cases.

Symptoms of Urticarial Rash

There are different symptoms of the urticaria rashes. Usually, the patient feels an intense itching before the rash appears on the skin. After a while, red rashes appear. Usually, these rashes are raised above the  skin. The size of these raised, red areas can vary greatly, from a couple of millimeters to several centimeters in diameter.

Precautions and Home Remedies

If you are suffering from this skin disease, avoid touching the affected area. Furthermore, you should not expose your affected skin to extremely cold surroundings or bathe with cold water.

For the first five days, you should adopt an all-fruit only diet. A warm water enema can be used if this diet creates constipation.

One perfect home remedy for urticarial rash is a hot Epsom salt bath. You can bathe with the water containing Epsom salt three times a week. You should dissolve the Epsom salt in an ordinary bath of hot water. Keep your body immersed in the bath for about ten to twenty minutes. Do not use any kind of soap because the detergents in the soap can aggravate the itching. Also, make sure that you do not cool your body abruptly.


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Urticaria Management – Severe Urticaria Must Be Managed Properly

Some Facts about Urticaria?

Now you have learned the most common myths about urticaria, it is time to read about something that can be helpful in urticaria management. It is rightly said, “knowledge is power” but in the case of urticaria, knowledge is your only way out of this bizarre skin problem.

Urticaria is also called hives, but it is different from angioedema or lupus, however in some cases it can be accompanied by any of these diseases.

Urticaria can be acute urticaria i.e. the rashes vanish within a few hours after the outbreak and it can be chronic urticaria i.e. the symptom persist much longer, at least more than six weeks and usually reappear twice a week.

Urticaria can be a hereditary or a familial problem and it can also be acquired e.g. in the case of allergies or contacts. A timely diagnosis and proper treatment can cure you of urticaria for good!

There are tips that can help.  Learn what the tips and trick are, for managing urticaria.


Urticaria management made simple?

Do you think it is a real tough job to manage your urticaria problems? Check this out then.  Urticaria management can be a nightmare for most of the people, however, if you read this complete article you will find some easy steps that can help you a great deal.

Severe urticaria patients need to be more vigilant as this disease can be accompanied by several other life threatening issues for instance suffocation or high blood pressure.

Isn’t it worth reading more about this topic? Of course it is. Read for more details on urticaria management no matter how severe urticaria you are suffering from.


Urticaria management can be difficult for many people; however, if you read this complete article, you will find some easy steps that can help you a great deal. Severe urticaria patients need to be extra careful, and in some cases, they may need to seek immediate medical treatment.

Though most types of urticaria are not life threatening, chronic idiopathic urticaria can be embarrassing enough to lead some patients to suicide. In some cases, the swelling may also block the airway, or if the allergy reaches the esophagus or other such organs, it can prove dangerous. Therefore, urticaria management is very important.

As the quality of life in urticaria is severely affected, management of the disease should be timely and in close collaboration between physician and patient. As urticaria is a highly variable disease, an individual approach is necessary for each patient. The foremost thing to consider is that the triggering factors must be avoided as much as possible and any associated diseases should be treated.

In most patients, a symptomatic pharmacological treatment is feasible with certain new-generation antihistamines. However, in non-responding patients, higher dosages and alternative medication should be considered. Following, is a checklist of necessary steps to follow when managing urticaria:

  • Clinical history and any associated disease
  • Drug triggers , such as penicillin, heroin, etc
  • Food triggers, such as spicy food, etc
  • Physical events as triggers, such as stress or contact with certain allergens
  • Detergents as triggers

Second-generation antihistamines can be used for temporary relief from the itching and burning sensation. You can cool down the affected area of the skin and apply calamine lotion to minimize swelling and burning. However, to permanently get rid of your urticaria problem, you may need to consult your doctor for treatment for any underlying causes.


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Urticaria Medicines – Urticaria Medicine is a Miracle

Which is the best Urticaria Medicine? Urticaria medicines explored!

Today it  is the time to talk about Urticaria  medication. Proper urticaria medicine can be a blessing for the patient. Before taking any urticaria medicine, it is strongly advised that you consult an urticaria specialist or a dermatologist.

There are a plethora of urticaria medicines available, but you need to understand that every medicine is not made for you because medicines are not a one-size-fits-all thing.

Before taking any urticaria medicine, it is strongly advised that you consult an urticaria specialist or a dermatologist. There are diverse urticaria medicines available; this article discusses the most commonly used.

As every patient has a unique history, an in-depth study of the case is necessary before giving any urticaria medicine. However, if you are suffering from pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy, you should not only consult your dermatologist, but your gynecologist as well, before opting for any medication to treat your urticaria problems. Typically, antihistamines are taken to counter the effect of the histamine release, but following are some other medicines frequently used.

Apis mellifica:
Apis mellifica is a great natural urticaria remedy prepared from honeybee. It is frequently used for the treatment of urticaria, nephrotic syndrome, fevers, urinary tract infections, meningitis, paretic conditions, and involuntary movements, etc.

Rhus toxicodendron:
Rhus toxicodendron is one of the most commonly used remedies for treating urticaria. Rhus tox is prepared from a plant called Poison Ivy. It positively affects your skin, joints, extremities, eyes, and mucus membranes. It is the best remedy for urticaria caused by exposure to water or cold, such as aquageneous urticaria or cold induced urticaria.

Urtica urens:
Stinging nettle, a plant, is used to prepare urtica urens. This is best known for quick relief from burning and itchiness; however, its long-term effects are not always very clear. It is considered best for urticaria caused by insect bites

Natrum Muriaticum:
Natrum Muriaticum is a homeopathic medicine concentrated from sodium chloride that is found in common salt. It is  obtained by making the salt undergo a procedure called potentization, which activates its inner healing power to treat your skin problem. The other commonly used medicines for urticaria treatment are carcinosin, Medusa, Astacus, etc. Some of the medicines used for urticaria, such as antihistamines, do not treat the underlying cause.


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Urticaria in Toddlers and Urticaria in Babies

Is Urticaria in Toddlers and Babies very common?

When any disease hits our children we worry even more than if it had hit us.

If your toddler is suffering form urticaria, I can understand what you are going through.

Urticaria in toddlers or urticaria in babies is not very common and only a few subtypes are found in children for instance Urticaria Pigmentosa Mastocytosis, and idiopathic urticaria .

Urticaria pigmentosa in children gradually gets better as the child grows into adulthood.

Papular urticaria is also found in toddlers usually as a result of an encounter with certain insects.
For more details read my comprehensive article on urticaria in toddlers and urticaria in babies, read here.


Urticaria is a skin problem caused by release of a fluid called histamine by the body cells into the skin. It can be itchy and painful. Urticaria in toddlers or urticaria in babies is not very common, and only a few subtypes are found in children, such as Urticaria Pigmentosa Mastocytosis and idiopathic urticaria, etc. Urticaria pigmentosa in children gradually gets better as the child grows into adulthood. Papular urticaria is also found in toddlers, usually as a result of an encounter with certain insects.

Brown lesions on the skin or bumps resembling hives appear when the skin is rubbed or fluid filled blisters may erupt when scratched by young children. Other symptoms of urticaria pigmentosa include flushed face, headache, and diarrhea. These are the most severe symptoms of urticaria in babies.

Urticaria in babies can appear anywhere on the body; however, it typically affects the trunk, upper arms, and upper legs. Baby hives on the face (angioedema) may cause swelling, especially around the eyes and lips. Do not mistake this for food intolerance or lactose intolerance, as this is something completely different.

Lactose intolerance affects the digestive system, causing stomachaches and diarrhea. Other foods that cause these symptoms include seafood (especially shellfish), milk, wheat, nuts, and strawberries.

As compared to adults, babies have a weaker immune system and are therefore more vulnerable to allergies. One of the easiest and most useful remedies is breastfeeding, as it helps to strengthen the baby’s immune system and it reduces the chance of allergies.

The skin of babies is very sensitive and may develop a rash when applying baby lotion, sunscreen, or other creams.

The effects of urticaria in babies and urticaria in toddlers can be minimized by following the steps below:

  • Cool down the affected area with ice for 10 to 20 minutes.
  • Give a cool shower or bath. If the allergen is still on the skin it will be removed. In case of cold induced urticaria, or aquageneous urticaria, this step should be avoided.
  • Do not dress your babies in very tight clothes.
  • Consult your doctor and, if advised, give antihistamines every 6 hours, and continue until 24 hours after the last signs of urticaria have gone.



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Urticaria Itching

How to get rid of Urticaria Itching?

If you have had urticaria, you must know how annoying, painful and itchy it can be. The itching is the most annoying part of urticaria.

People can hide the ugly looking swelling and wheals under clothing, but urticaria itching will keep bothering you.

Therefore, you should learn how to handle the situation and eliminate or reduce the itching. To understand urticaria itching, let us understand both the terms one by one:

Urticaria is a skin problem characterized by red wheals whereas Itch is a annoying feeling that causes us to scratch an area of skin. For complete understanding read my article on urticaria itching here.



To understand urticaria itching, let us understand both the terms one by one. Itch is a distasteful feeling that causes the desire to scratch certain areas of the skin. Itch has resisted many attempts to classify it as any one type of sensory experience. Urticaria is a skin problem that has many different subtypes, such as urticaria pigmentosa mastocytosis, physical urticaria, and chronic urticaria, etc.

The most common characteristic of urticaria is itching, which is sometimes accompanied by a burning sensation, swelling, and/or redness. Urticaria itching is an extremely painful and annoying sensation. It can be either permanent or periodic. The triggers that cause urticaria must be avoided or the inching intensifies. Usually, the mast cells play an important role in the condition, as they release histamines into the skin, which causes rashes and itching.

Though the itching is extremely annoying and it is very difficult to avoid scratching, scratching or unnecessarily touching the affected area can aggravate the condition. Therefore, the patient should try to avoid scratching, rubbing, or touching the affected area as much as possible.

Cholinergic Urticaria Itching

Cholinergic urticaria is a skin rash brought on by a hypersensitive reaction to body heat. It is actually a subcategory of physical urticaria. Cholinergic urticaria itching is one of the most undesirable conditions, in which the patient suffers immense pain.

The patient should try to avoid scratching, rubbing, or touching the affected area as much as possible or the itching and pain may increase.

You can make hives stop itching by taking certain drugs, avoiding the triggers, cooling down the affected area, or applying soothing agents, such as calamine lotion. It is advisable to consult a doctor for any type of skin problem, including urticaria. Herbal medicines have been used for all kinds of skin treatments. We offer a great herbal and natural product to cure your urticaria.


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Urticaria in Pregnancy

Chances of developing Urticaria in pregnancy are higher?

Are you getting some weird marks on your belly that are spreading on to other parts of your body during the third trimester of the pregnancy?

It might be urticaria. Urticaria in pregnancy can be a great annoyance.

Urticaria is a skin rash triggered by allergen as well as non-allergen stimuli.

Pregnancy is one situation in which there are higher chances of urticaria developing. The condition is known as pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy, or PUPPP for short. It typically begins on the skin of the abdominal area, and it gradually spreads to other parts of the body, such as the chest, arms, legs, neck etc.

Read here to learn more about urticaria in pregnancy.


Urticaria in pregnancy can be a great annoyance. Urticaria is a skin rash triggered by allergen as well as non-allergen stimuli. Pregnancy is one situation in which there is a greater chance of urticaria being developed. The condition is known as pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy, or PUPPP for short. It typically begins on the skin of the abdominal area, and it gradually spreads to other parts of the body, such as the chest, arms, legs, and neck, etc.

It is commonly believed that hormone fluctuations and other changes that occur in the body during pregnancy are the cause of histamines to be released, which leads to urticaria. In many cases, tiny welts also appear, similar to the kind that develop in certain types of eczema. The rash of urticaria in pregnancy is usually quite itchy, and extremely irritating.

Antihistamines are the most commonly used drug to cure urticaria; however, due to pregnancy, taking them is not recommended. Therefore, simple measures to soothe the rash are advisable. As there is no underlying cause, symptomatic treatment is enough. Applying calamine lotion to the affected area can relieve the itching without any risk to you or to your unborn child. Some people find it more soothing if the calamine lotion has been cooled by refrigeration. It is better to avoid any other anti-itch lotions, as they may contain chemicals not suitable for your condition. The most convenient and calming remedy is to cool the affected area of the skin with a cloth dipped in cold water. You may repeat this process as many times as you desire.

In severe cases, these remedies may not provide adequate relief. If this is the case with you, you will need to consult your doctor. It is advisable to consult your doctor before opting for any treatment for urticaria, especially when pregnant.


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Urticaria in Children

How many Children get Urticaria?

Though Urticaria is not commonly found in children, it can be more difficult for them. They feel more discomfort due to the itching and missing their schooling.

Urticaria in children or individuals below the age of 16 is very rarely found. Children are not very likely to have chronic urticaria. The most common form of urticaria in children is acute urticaria. That means that children only experience attacks occasionally.

Urticaria in children can be triggered by different factors including allergies, viral infection, Skin contact and some non-allergic triggers, but nearly in 50% of the cases the trigger is unidentified. If you want to learn more about urticaria in children, read here to read my detailed article.


Urticaria in children below the age of 16 is rare. Children are not very likely to have most types of urticaria, including hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitisis, chronic, or papular urticaria. The most common form of urticaria in children is acute urticaria. This means that children only experience attacks occasionally.

Urticaria in children can be triggered by various factors, including allergies, viral infections, and skin contact with allergens. There are some non-allergic triggers; however, in nearly 50% of the cases, the trigger is unidentified. Symptoms of urticaria are the same in children as they are in adults. Let us explain the details of some commonly found types of urticaria in children.

The development of urticaria in children can be an isolated event without systemic reaction or it can be a prelude to the development of an anaphylactic reaction.

Chronic Urticaria in Children

Chronic urticaria is rare in children; however, it can have a negative effect on their health and on their lives if not treated. Approximately 50-80% of children with chronic urticaria also have accompanying angioedema. Chronic urticaria is thought to affect a small percentage of children; however, it lasts for more than six weeks.

Acute Urticaria in Children

Acute urticaria is more common in children. It affects more children than chronic urticaria does. Acute urticaria in children is different from chronic urticaria in the sense that it occurs more frequently, sometimes as a result of an infection or allergen.

Papular Urticaria in Children

Papular urticaria in children, though uncommon, is characterized by the outbreak of small wheals on the skin. The patient may feel itchy, along with a burning sensation.

Idiopathic Urticaria in Children

Idiopathic urticaria is one of the more commonly found forms of urticaria in children. It can occur in response to different triggers; however, its actual causes are unknown.


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Urticaria Cure – Reliable Urticaria Cures

This is a complete guide about various Urticaria Cures. Most of these urticaria treatments are herbal and do not have any side effects. If you try any urticaria cure mentioned below and the problem worsens, you must seek medical attention immediately.

Cures for Urticaria

Many patients take various kinds of antihistamines or steroids, which have been prescribed by their doctors to treat urticaria. However, creams and lotions can be applied to the skin to relieve itching and brining. However, if you apply any of these items and they aggravate the condition, seek medical attention immediately.

Many people prefer natural treatments. Natural treatments have no dangerous side effects, and can be a cure for urticaria for many people. Some of these cures are for temporary relief, but others can cure it for good in most cases.

Here are some useful urticaria cures:

  • If you have a backyard and some flowers, you can make a mixture for quick relief for urticaria. Heat marshmallow and Echinacea in water for five to ten minutes. After turning the heat off, you can add chamomile flowers, peppermint leaf, and ginger rhizome in minute qualities to this mixture. Then stir it for a time and drink no more than twice a day.

  • If the inflammation is not fading away, you can apply aloe vera gel directly to the skin. Aloe vera is one of the best natural treatments for skin irritations. Either purchase 100% pure aloe vera gel or better yet, buy a plant.

  • Milk of Magnesia can be applied directly on the affected skin to lessen the burning sensation.

  • If fresh mint leaves are available, they can be crushed and their juice can be applied to the affected areas of the skin. It will ease the burning and itchiness.

  • Alfalfa juice or tea is beneficial as an urticaria treatment. Nettle juice can also be consumed to provide quick relief.
  • One of the most effective herbal remedies for urticaria is drinking chamomile tea. Chamomile can also be added to bathing water to prevent burning. Chamomile is an herb that soothes inflamed skin and reduces itching and burning sensations. 


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Urticaria Diagnosis

Is Urticaria diagnosis a very complex process?

Just like diagnosis for any other disease, urticaria diagnosis can formulate a course of action for your treatment.

There are many different symptoms of urticaria diagnosis, however, clinical diagnosis is usually made by a close examination of the skin eruptions.

After it has been observed and experienced once, the patient himself can recognize urticaria. The precise diagnosis in terms of its causes and triggers is made after a careful, systematic case-history, by the dermatologist. The patient has to cooperate and provide proper information and also eliminate certain food products .


There are many different clear-cut symptoms for urticaria diagnosis; however, clinical diagnosis is usually made by close examination of the skin eruptions. After it is has been observed and experienced once, the patient can recognize urticaria. The precise urticaria diagnosis in terms of its causes and triggers is made after a careful, systematic case history is taken by the dermatologist. The patient needs to provide accurate information and may need to eliminate certain allergens, including food products once suspected. However, in the case ofpruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy, the patient has to be extra careful and diagnosis should be made as soon as possible.

In most cases, because of the heterogeneity of urticaria and its different types, guidelines for diagnosis might start with a regular patient health checkup, which should comprise a thorough history, physical examination of the skin, and the ruling out of severe systemic disease utilizing various laboratory tests. Such laboratory tests should be performed based on the suspected cause. During the process of urticaria diagnoses, the most important objective is to obtain a comprehensive history, including all possible eliciting factors and significant aspects of the nature of the urticaria. The following factors are to be kept in mind when diagnosing urticaria:

  • Occurring frequency and duration of welts or wheals
  • Timing of onset of disease
  • Family history regarding urticaria
  • Size, shape, color and distribution of the welts
  • Any reaction to insect bites such as a wasp sting
  • Associated angioedema, if any
  • Other associated symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, itching, or pain
  • Any previous or current infections, allergies, or internal diseases
  • Any physical agent, such as exercise
  • Any drug that the patient takes regularly, including injections, immunizations, hormones, laxatives, suppositories, ear and eye drops, etc
  • Food and smoking habits
  • Hobbies and type of routine work
  • Rate of occurrence in relation to foreign travel
  • Surgical implantations
  • Emotional factors and stress


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Urticaria Cetirizine – Urticaria Loratadine – Urticaria Ranitidine

What are the most commonly used antihistamines to cure Urticaria?

I thought only giving a brief overview might not give you enough information about the most frequently used treatments for urticaria, which are antihistamines. Therefore, I decided to write a little more about the three most commonly used antihistamines for a urticaria cure They are Urticaria Cetirizine, Urticaria Loratadine and Urticaria Ranitidine ,which are second generation antihistamines used for urticaria treatment.

Though these are the most common ones used to treat the skin allergy, they do not provide a lasting and reliable cure. Most of the times they will get rid of the itching and burning sensation, providing a temporary relief. read here for more detail on Urticaria Cetirizine, Urticaria Loratadine and Urticaria Ranitidine.


There are certain drugs used to cure urticaria; this article describes the top three antihistamines.Urticaria Cetirizine, Urticaria Loratadine and Urticaria Ranitidine are second-generation antihistamines used for urticaria treatment. Though these are the most common drugs used to treat the skin allergy, they do not provide a lasting and reliable cure. Most of the time, they will cause the itching and burning sensation to vanish, providing temporary relief. If you are looking for a permanent cure, consult a doctor and treat the underlying problem, if any. For an easier understanding, let me define them one at a time with their brief clinical usage.

Cetirizine is one of the major metabolites of hydroxyzine, and a racemic selective H1 receptor inverse agonist used in the treatment of allergies, hay fever, angioedema, and certain types of urticaria.

Loratadine is a drug closely related to tricyclic antidepressants and distantly related to the antipsychotic quetiapine It is used to treat different kinds of allergies, including urticaria.

Ranitidine is mostly used to inhibit stomach acid production. It is commonly used in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease and gastroesophageal reflux disease. It is also used alongside fexofenadine and other antihistamines for the treatment of skin problems such as urticaria.

Urticaria Cimetidine

Cimetidine is a histamine H2-receptor antagonist that slows the production of acid in the stomach. It is mainly used in the treatment of heartburn and peptic ulcers and sometimes for treating skin allergies such as urticaria.

Urticaria Fexofenadine

Fexofenadine is an antihistamine drug used in the treatment of hay fever and other similar allergy symptoms. It was developed as an alternative to terfenadine. It has been described as both second-generation and third-generation. It is used alongside Ranitidine for treating urticaria.

You should consult a doctor to prescribe the drugs according to your specific problem.


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