The Most Common Forms of Hives and Their Home Remedies?

Hives can be very annoying because of their burning and itching, so today’s post will be telling you about some simple home remedies for the more common types of hives. According to surveys, nearly 5% of the population suffer from hives once in their life. The most common types of hives are heat hives, physical hives, autoimmune hives etc.

Arguably, the most frequently observed form of hives are heat induced hives and the best home remedy is cooling down the affected area of the skin with cool compression or an ice pack.

Hives and stress can be a chronic and recurring problem, and the best tip is to lead a happy stress-free life. Avoiding alcohol or keeping its intake to a minimum also helps.

In the case of autoimmune hives, taking over the counter antihistamines can counter the effect of histamine release.

To manage itchy hives, the patient can apply calamine lotion, vitamin E oil or Aloe Vera gel on the affected area twice a day.

Next week I will post five extremely important tips when you are managing any type of hives, do not forget to read them.


Some Valuable Tips for Managing Hives?

Hives can be a permanent headache because of their persisting nature. Proper diagnosis and treatment can solve this problem but at times the itching and pain can be over the top. Here are some tips that can be helpful in such a condition.

Hives has countless types including physical hives, contact hives, hives due to allergies and the list goes on. If you know the specific type you are suffering from, you will have a better chance of dealing with them.

If it is cold hives, avoid cold showers and temperature but if it is hot hives, expose the affected are to fresh air and take a mildly cold shower.

Food elimination techniques can be time consuming, but really helpful in avoiding the allergen foods.

Last but not the least,  proper treatment will be developed some time in the future.

This series of blogs has provided you with invaluable information about hives and their treatment, but if you are interested in reading about dermographism, read my next post which is due in two days.


All About Physical Hives

Although physical hives is a more common type of hives, people have many misconceptions  about it.

It is a relatively common type of hives which occur from physical stimulus instead of occurring spontaneously. In physical hives, the skin of the patient usually becomes raised and inflamed with wheals, especially when stroked harshly, scratched ferociously or even slapped with force.

Physical hives can be classified by these names i.e. thermal, mechanical and cholinergic.

Do you want to read more about physical hives? Read to this detailed guide containing the causes, symptoms and cures for your problem.


Physical hives symbolize a unique subtype of the hives that are roused by an exogenous physical stimulus instead of occurring spontaneously. In physical hives, the skin of the patient usually becomes raised and inflamed, especially when stroked, scratched, rubbed, or slapped. The physical hives can be classified by  different sources, such as thermal, mechanical, and cholinergic. Hives and stress or stress hives is one of the most common types of physical hives.

It is believed that nearly 30% of the cases of chronic hives have a physical cause. Though physical hives is not a life threatening disease, it can cause great distress and itchiness. This is not a contagious disease and it is not transferred from one person to another. In many cases, rashes vanish within a few hours after appearing, and in some cases, they may remain much longer or reappear on the same or on a different area of the skin after a while.

Physical hives can be caused by many factors; however, all of these factors are physical triggers. It is usually triggered by extreme stress, very tight or rough clothing, wristwatches, sunglasses, highly energetic kissing, extreme weather (both hot and cold), or anything that causes stress to the skin of the patient. In most cases, it is just a minor irritation; however, a few cases have also been reported where symptoms were severe enough to impact a patient’s life as a whole. If hives affect the quality of your life, it is time for you to consult a qualified doctor.

Physical Urticaria Physical Hives

Physical hives are mostly triggered by scratching the skin or by rough clothing, wristwatches, sunglasses, highly energetic kissing, and extreme weather, etc. It is also referred to as Dermatographism. Physical hives is a term used interchangeably with physical urticaria; therefore, physical urticaria and physical hives mean the same thing.