What does Idiopathic Hives really mean?

To make this complex skin problem easily understandable, let me describe it by name idiopathic hives. Hives is a skin disease characterized by the presence of red or pale white wheals, that cause itching, on any part of the skin. Idiopathic means without any known reason.

If you or any of your family members have a skin rash with colorful and itchy wheals on any part of skin it might be idiopathic hives. It is an annoying, painful and demoralizing condition. You can try certain home remedies, but if they do not work you should consult a doctor.

To read a comprehensive guide about idiopathic hives, read here.


For a better understanding of this complex skin problem, let me describe idiopathic hives. Hives is a skin disease characterized by the presence of red or pale, white wheals that cause itching on any part of the skin; idiopathic means without any known reason. Therefore, if you are experiencing a hives rash without any understandable reason, it might be idiopathic hives. It is an annoying, painful, and demoralizing condition. Read this article in its entirety to learn how to find relief.

First, you should know whether the idiopathic hives you are suffering from is chronic – if it lasts more than six weeks then it is chronic. Small, round wheals may appear, which may change shape or size with the passage of time. The wheals usually occur in batches, they itch, and they often appear on the face or the extremities. They may disappear from one place and appear on another area of your body.

It is not easy to treat idiopathic hives, as the cause is unknown. However, you can do a few things to minimize its effects. Applying calamine lotion or aloe vera gel on affected areas can provide temporary relief. Using antihistamines, including telfast, diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine, cetirizine, and other H1 receptor antagonists can also help the patient.

Chronic Idiopathic Hives

Chronic is a synonym for never-ending, and if your idiopathic hives remain for at least six weeks, it is chronic. Chronic idiopathic hives treatment should first be oriented towards palliation of symptoms. In the early stages, a 2%-solution of Ephedrine as a local spray is very useful. Antihistamines with a low potential for sedation, i.e. H1, are the most important initial treatment. Combinations of diverse antihistamines may be helpful in suppressing symptomatology.