Get rid of Your Hive Lumps and Hive Swellings?

If you are looking to get rid of your hives lump or cope with hives swell, you have reached the right place.

Though not very common a hives lump can be a characteristic of this skin problem.

The more common characteristics are the hives swell and hives wheals.

Hives is a common name for urticaria, which is a skin disease. It may be caused in response to an allergic as well as a non-allergic reason. In both the cases hives swell  the affected area of the skin.

To know how to manage your hives lump, hives swell – Read here and read a detailed guide.


Though not very common, a hives lump can be characteristic of this skin problem. The more common characteristics are the hives swell and hive wheals. Hives is a common name of urticaria, which is a skin disease. It may occur in response to an allergic as well as a non-allergic reason. In both cases, hives swell up the affected area of the skin.

The hives rashes can appear on any part of the skin, i.e. face, belly, arms, legs, back, etc. These rashes are usually raised, colored, and itchy. If you experience a hives lump or a hives swell on your body, you should take heed. Certain home remedies can help, i.e. applying calamine lotion or Aloe Vera gel on the affected area. Eating food rich in zinc also helps the patient to recover quickly.

In most cases, hives are momentary and vanish on their own within a few hours after appearing. In more serious cases, the hives may remain much longer. If your hives are not vanishing, or they are accompanied by more serious symptoms, i.e. significant change in blood pressure, asthma, or difficulty in breathing, you should instantly consult a qualified doctor.

Hives Wheal

Hives wheal is the most prominent characteristic of this bizarre skin problem. A hives wheal varies greatly in shape, size, and color. They can be the size of a pinhead or they can cover a major portion of your body. Hives wheals are usually red, pink, pale, and white. They cause itchiness, burning, pain, and swelling according to the severity of the problem.

Most people suffer from hives at least once in their lifetime. Most hives are not very serious and their wheals usually disappear within a few hours after the outbreak. However, in some cases, the wheals may reappear on the same or on a different area of the body.