The Most common Forms of Angioedema and Their Home Remedies?

Angioedema is not only extremely painful but it can also be life threatening. Angioedema has some very rare forms e.g. uvula angioedema while there are some common subtypes e.g. facial angioedema. Let us see what home remedies can be helpful when you are battling this deadly disease.

Inthe more common forms of angioedema the swelling usually appears on eyes and lips. This can be a disabling disease. If the swelling is progressing rapidly, try to cool down the place and the patient should stay inside the house.

Taking green tea or mint tea can help reduce the difficulty in breathing by clearing the throat. If the swelling progresses rapidly, especially in the upper airway. make sure the patient is given prompt medical treatment.

The post next week will describe the top four tips when you are trying to manage angioedema.



Learning about Uvula angioedema?

The mouth is no doubt one of the most sensitive  parts of the human body. Any problem created inside your mouth can stop you from speaking or eating. But uvula angioedema takes this problem to next level because it may even stop you from breathing!

With Uvula angioedema, the swelling occurs on your uvula (petite piece of fleshy tissue hanging down from the back portion of the soft palate in the humans’ mouth),  the last place one would like to swell.


Angioedema is an annoying, sometimes painful, ugly looking and life-threatening disease. However, uvula angioedema can be the most frightening form. As you know angioedema is the swelling of your eyes, lips hands, feet etc. But in uvula angioedema, the swelling occurs on your uvula, surely the last place one would like to get swelled up.

Angioedema or Quincke edema is the rapid swelling of the human skin resulted by the swelling of dermis, sub-mucosal tissues and mucosa. Usually the swelling lasts a few hours and does not threaten the life of the patient. But in uvula angioedema you need prompt and high-quality medical treatment as it can cause blockage in the airway which can be fatal.

The uvula is the petite piece of fleshy tissues hanging down from the back portion of the soft palate in the humans’ mouth.  It is evident from its appearance that it is very fragile and soft. It is composed of certain glands and muscular fibers. The key function of uvula is articulation of different sounds of speech. If you develop uvula angioedema, it is not your speech or sound that is affected but your life is at stake!

Uvula angioedema is an infrequent subtype of angioedema but it can be fatal. It requires without delay treatment and ongoing cautious monitoring of symptoms as the swelling may block the airway.

Usually, uvula angioedema is acute or hereditary. It can be caused by several diverse factors including inhalation exposure, hereditary angioedema, trauma, in reaction to certain drugs and some contagious causes. The type I hypersensitivity reaction is the typical cause of isolated uvular angioedema.

Usually, uvula angioedema is acute or hereditary. It can be caused by several diverse factors including inhalation exposure, hereditary angioedema, trauma, in reaction to certain drugs and some contagious causes. The type I hypersensitivity reaction is the typical cause of isolated uvular angioedema.