Before hives management, also known as urticaria management, can take place, a person must have a thorough understanding of their condition. Urticaria is characterized by redness, swelling, and itching in small areas of the skin. These patches can grow and recede in less than a day; however it will usually occur in other locations and may take four to six weeks to resolve itself.

People often think that the cause of hives is allergies, but even in acute cases there is usually a more serious cause such as immunity or digestive problems. Instead, the allergens are really just triggers that cause the hives to manifest. So, in order to practice any kind of hives management, one must treat the source of the problem.

Keeping a diet high in vitamin C will help you to support your immune system, and make your hives reaction less frequent. Drinking lots of water also helps, by keeping your body free of toxins. In addition, diets that have high amounts of quercetin will give you natural antihistamines and antioxidants.


Urticaria and Treatment


Management of chronic urticaria takes special treatment under a physicians care as well as at home. Mild cases of hives simply need antihistamines, but more severe cases of urticaria may require oral corticosteroids. Sometimes swelling occurs (angioedema), and swelling of the airways may cause weezing, respiratory distress, or even airway obstruction. In such cases, emergency injection of epinephrine may be required (, 2011).

The best way to manage hives at home is to use Aloe Vero gel. Not only will it treat the itching and burning, but it has healing properties as well. Many people don’t know this, but taking a cool bath or shower at home helps to release histamines from your body. Just make sure to watch the temperature because extreme heat or cold could make the hives worse.

Sandalwood or primrose essential oils help to manage hives breakouts as well. So, does boiling mint, making a solution or paste out of it, and applying it to the skin. Be sure to speak to your doctor before trying any kind of hives management remedies, especially in cases of urticaria management as some herbs can actually make symptoms worse.

Other things to try in management of urticaria, is to try to avoid situations which may make hives worse. Wear loose fitting clothing made of cotton or other fabrics that breathe well. Avoid heavy exercise or hot temperatures.  Also, you may think about keeping a journal and tracking exposures, if you are unsure what triggers your breakouts.