The causes of hives in women include the same factors that trigger hives in the general population, namely food, insect bites, toxins, infections, physical stimuli and others. However, it is also true that there is a higher incidence of chronic urticaria or hives among women than among men. Additionally, some situations that only women experience play a role in triggering hives among a number of them. Such situations include pregnancy, the use of contraceptives and menopause. In these three situations, the changes in the hormonal levels are considered causes of hives in women.

If a woman on contraceptives develops sensitivity to their constituent hormones or other components, she could respond by developing hives. Women experiencing menopause undergo a lot of physiological changes which, in turn, affect their psychological well-being. It is not unheard of for them to experience fluctuating hormonal levels and tremendous stress. Both of these factors are causes of hives in women: increased sensitivity to either estrogen or progesterone could result in hives as could the increased production of cortisol and adrenalin, two stress-associated hormones.

Pregnant women have also been known to develop hives. The drastic bodily changes that they experience, including hormonal fluctuations are causes of hives in women. Hives can occur at any stage during pregnancy. Their duration varies, ultimately depending on the presence of triggering factors. They may present on a pregnant woman’s face, back, breasts, abdomen, arms, or on the back of her legs. The symptoms tend to disappear completely within a few weeks of delivery.

Pregnant women who develop hives usually have no cause for worry. While the condition causes them a lot of discomfort, it is not a threat to their babies’ health. They are generally advised not to take medication like steroids unless their symptoms are severe. This is because such medication would affect their pregnancies. However, they can use various remedies to help relieve the discomfort.


What Causes Hives On Buttocks?


A condition known as Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy (PUPPP), which is similar to hives, commonly occurs during the last trimester of pregnancy. The hive-like rash of PUPPP tends to occur on the buttocks, thighs, arms and elsewhere on the woman’s body. It itches severely and is highly sensitive. A good part of the reason for this is the fast growth typical of pregnancy and the resultant stretching of the woman’s skin. Pregnant women who seek to understand what causes hives on buttocks are more likely than not to be suffering from PUPPP.